Why / How / How much Flexibility?(9/9/2018)-Who Needs Flexibility? Everybody. Flexibility is needed to perform everyday activities comfortably. Picking up something from the floor, lifting children, sitting down and getting up all require adequate level of flexibility. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, flexibility often declines with age. Daily activities of living become more difficult to perform without the "normal" flexibility. Our movement and postural habits can lead to diminished mobility in the joints and chronic postural problems due to compromisations caused by this. For example, chronic back pain is often related to reduced mobility in the hips. What Are The Benefits of Flexibility? Read More
Prevention is the best cure(5/25/2017)-"If exercise could be packed in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation. " - Robert N. Butler - Sometimes we are not sure about what we want, but it's easier to tell what we don't want. We don't want to feel bad physically or emotionally. There is scientific evidence that doing regular exercise can reduce or prevent: soreness / stiffness / lethargy due to lack of movement during daily life feeling cold all the time due to lack of muscle activity and slowed blood circulation feeling embarrassed due to inability to perform movements / activities that most people can do unhealthy body fat percentage depression, anxiety, stress, and other mood disorders injurious falls incorrect movement patterns that might lead to serious injuries or lower performance levels negative self-esteem, body-image, self-worth due to physical or psychological reasons healthcare costs postural problems Physical… Read More