Monthly Archives: March 2020

Mobility – Basic Theory

Desired Functions
  • enough range of motion that allows the mechanical chain of the whole body to work unhindered
  • normal range of motion is essential for proprioception (knowing where your body parts are in space)
  • balanced range of motion on opposing sides to enable equal distribution of pressure
Potential Issues
  • reduced range of motion can break the stability of the linked areas
  • it’s more difficult to maintain or establish proper posture if you can’t feel what’s where
  • you might feel like your body is level on opposite sides if the range of motion is different on 2 sides
Solutions and Workarounds
  • Stretch regularly and after every workout to increase and maintain normal range of motion. Spend more time on problem areas.
  • Use a mirror for visual feedback until you gain proprioception, gain muscle memory of the natural posture, and balance the opposites.
  • Stick to no-weight or bodyweight exercises until major mobility issues are resolved to prevent injuries and potentially practicing incorrect patterns. This is a good opportunity to work on neuromuscular training involving more repetitions, focusing on the quality and fine details of the movement.
  • Hold positions where you feel restricted a bit longer and visualize breathing into the affected area to help soften it.